Collaborating with Nature's Creative Forces Using Flower Essences to Re-calibrate Your life
Embrace Nature's Tools for
Transformation in a Rapidly Changing World
Earth is Ushering in a New Paradigm of Belief, Identity and Partnership. In that spirit, the Light Matrix Institute brings you Earthspirit Mama - an experiential partnership with nature that allows you to work with light intelligence to help yourself, your family, community and your clients to re-calibrate and evolve. Our work is based on a somatic integration methodology that uses Flower Essences as a bridge to your creative identity and your future.
The Premise of Combining Flower Essences with Inner Alchemy
Flower essences are a bridge for living through your authentic self, which is a high level creative frequency. When you are consistently anchored into that realm of wholeness and self mastery, you automatically purify the conditioned self and start to contribute to our collective potential. This is because you are rising above your limited sense of self to a state of connection with your personal highest nature and potential. The alchemy of neutralizing the conditioned sense of incompleteness frees you to rise above limitation.

Earthspirit Mama is the part of you that embodies your Creative Spirit that is naturally fused with nature. Flower essences are used as a bridge to this type of embodiment. With the support of flower essences, your nervous system and spiritual connection can calibrate to an inner space that brings you beyond your linear and logical faculties and into deep collaboration with universal light and nature intelligence.
Join our wait-list for this Life-Changing Journey
This experiential Flower Essence based course is The most unique and dynamic Flower Essence Training you will ever experience! We’ll work in the collective alchemy energy field of our group so that you have the multiplied energetic support of the totality of the transforming energy. You will be your own first client and your engagement will be an active catalyst for all group members!
​This collective power is your basis to expand your abilities so you can help your family, community and clients during a pivotal time of change in our world. We will work with essences to improve relationships, create change, navigate loss, foster spiritual expansion and help you to move on from trauma and overwhelm. You will walk away with the tools for psychological agility and maintaining a strong self-connection.
In-Person Classes Start in March 2025 in Salisbury!
Join the wait list below to receive class dates and registration link
About Bobbi Courtney, MSW, CFEP
Intuitive Psychotherapist, Author, Certified Flower Essence Practitioner, and founder of The Light Matrix Institute

Bobbi is a Transformational Group Facilitator and a certified Somatic Integrative Body Psychotherapist through the Center for Somatic Psychology, given in Weinacht, Switzerland. She earned her MSW at Smith College School for Social Work as an independent Clinical Psychotherapist and expanded her base to include Spontaneous Interactive Imagery with Chiyoni Richard Allen. This was fused with a Flower Essence Therapy Certification from Delta Gardens.
As an Intuitive Psychotherapist, I have spent my career helping women understand and utilize the dynamics of their struggles and personal power so they can create new possibilities in their lives. At the age 39 I was diagnosed with leukemia and found that something that takes you to your knees can also be your ally. I now help people leverage their struggles to move beyond their current circumstances and create their own transformation.
My methodology is a culmination of 30 years of working with the most dynamic cosmologies that I have ever encountered. These experiential growth processes help intuitive and holistic women create life from a potent orientation that is born of their Heart and Soul's Desire.